Yearbook Info

The Lincoln High School Cardinal Yearbook is a student-run publication. Students are responsible for the planning, organization, design, coverage, content, and distribution of the yearbook. Each year we try to create an inclusive book that represents the uniqueness of that school year.

Yearbook Class: The 2020 yearbook will be produced by the Yearbook class. Ms. Rechner is the yearbook adviser. Additional students are welcome to volunteer after school on B days and during Flex. If you would like to volunteer, please email the editors at:

Deadlines: The yearbook is submitted to our publisher in phases. Printing begins in November and ends the beginning of May when the books are completed and shipped. The entire book, except for a supplement, is published before Spring Break. Because of this, pages must be submitted on very strict deadlines. This is why we must have specific deadlines for submission of senior photos, senior ads, etc., and also why it so important to pay attention to those dates. We cannot change pages that have already been submitted.

Portraits (Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors): The picture used in the “people” section of the yearbook will be the photo ID picture you have taken during registration. These pictures are taken by LifeTouch. If you do not have an ID photo taken, you WILL NOT be pictured in the “people” section of the book. We cannot substitute your ID photo for another photo you like better.

If you have further questions or comments, please contact the yearbook staff at:  

Thank you!